مدرسة بتمدة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى مدرسة بتمدة الإعدادية المشتركة

    فاعدة ifزحالتها الثلاث

    شادي ابوالعلا
    شادي ابوالعلا

    عدد المساهمات : 156
    تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2010
    العمر : 27
    الموقع : shapap.a7larab.net

    فاعدة ifزحالتها الثلاث Empty فاعدة ifزحالتها الثلاث

    مُساهمة  شادي ابوالعلا الخميس مارس 24, 2011 11:00 am

    قاعدة If

    قاعدة If لها ثلاث حالات ..

    الحالة الأولى:

    If + Present Simple, will + infinitive.

    Ex. If he studies hard, he will succeed.

    - تستخدم لحدث مطابق للواقع, أي أن الشخص يذاكر بالفعل, و لكي نربط مذاكرته في الحاضر بالنتيجة في المستقبل نستخدم الحالة الأولى.

    الحالة الثانية:

    If + Past Simple, would + infinitive.

    Ex. If he studied hard, he would succeed.

    - تستخدم للتعبير عن إفتراض في الحاضر, أي أن الشخص لا يذاكر في الحاضر و لكننا نفترض أنه إن يذاكر في الحاضر, سوف ينجح.

    الحالة الثالثة:

    If + Past Perfect, would have + P.P.

    Ex. If he had studied hard, he would have succeeded.

    - تستخدم للتعبير عن إفتراض في الماضي, أي أن الشخص لم يذاكر في الماضي و أنه رسب. بمعنى أنه لو كان قد ذاكر لكان قد نجح.


    1- He studies hard. He will succeed. (Join)

    If he studies hard, he will succeed.

    2- Factories close. Many people lose their jobs. (Join using: If)

    If factories didn’t close, many people wouldn’t lose their jobs.

    3- Facories closed. Many people lost their jobs. (Join using: If)

    If factories hadn’t closed, many people wouldn’t have lost their jobs.

    ملاحظات: في الحالات الثانية و الثالثة نفترض عكس الواقع.

    Conditional Clauses
    * Formation : The three principal sentence patterns using ( if ) or ( unless ) are :

    - If ( Present simple ),…will / shall + infinitive.

    - If ( Past simple ),…would + infinitive.

    - If ( Past perfect ),…would + have + P.P.

    N.B. - If the if-clause is in the present simple, the result clause will also be in the

    present simple, provided that the sentence is expressing a fact.

    - For unlikely or improbable conditions, use ( were ) instead of (was).

    - Sometimes conditions are expressed by inversion with the use of

    ( Were / Had / Should ) + Subject…



    1-If you invite her, she ( come ).

    *If you invite her, she will come.

    2-If it remained fine, we ( go ) for a swim.

    *If it remained fine, we would go for a swim.

    3-Unless you guide me, I ( be ) quite at a loss.

    *Unless you guide me, I will be quite at a loss.

    4-If I ( be ) you, I wouldn’t apologize.

    *If I were you, I wouldn’t apologize.

    5-Were I rich, I ( buy ) an aeroplane.

    *Were I rich, I would buy an aeroplane.

    6-Should they arrive late, it ( be ) difficult to find them room.

    *Should they arrive late, it would be difficult to find them room.

    7-Had I studied harder, I ( pass ) the test.

    *Had I studied harder, I would have passed the test.

    8-If metals are heated, they ( expand ).

    *If metals are heated, they expand.

    9-I would be pleased if you ( come ).

    *I would be pleased if you came.

    10-If I had met him, I ( tell ) him the truth.

    *If I had met him, I would have told him the truth.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 26, 2024 1:56 am